The Vets Blog

Resources and informative informations for pet care

Senior Vet Nurses & Vet Nurses


Warning Signs and Prevention Tips of Heat Stroke in Dogs

Warning Signs and Prevention Tips of Heat Stroke in Dogs

As we approach summer and the temperatures rise, dog owners must stay vigilant. Compared to humans, dogs are much less effective at heat regulation, putting them at a much higher risk of serious and sometimes fatal heatstroke.  In this blog, you will learn about...

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Humphrey’s Case Study 

Humphrey’s Case Study 

Digit Bone Infection Humphreys Symptoms Humphrey is a longstanding client of the Village Vet who comes in regularly to visit Dr Martine. Humphrey was recently troubled at home by his right dew claw. It was inflamed and causing significant discomfort. Dew claws are...

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Feline Idiopathic Cystitis case study

Feline Idiopathic Cystitis case study

Kitty, nurse Amy’s beautiful cat, recently came in with a suspected blocked bladder. Dr. Giné confirmed the blockage by palpating a firm, large bladder in his abdomen. Due to the severity of the matter, he was admitted into hospital where we anaesthetised him and...

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Choosing a pet can be a daunting and difficult task. To try help we have some tips to narrow your choices down. First you need to consider how you want to purchase your pet. Rescue shelters and adoption houses are a good place to start. Did you know there are even...

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Angiostrongylus cantonensis (Rat lung worm)

Angiostrongylus cantonensis (Rat lung worm)

Did you know Snails/ Slugs are a real risk to your pet’s health? What is Angiostrongylus cantonensis (Rat lung worm) Rat lungworm (Angiostrongylus cantonensis) is a parasite that affects the brain, spinal cord, and peripheral nerves of animals and humans. This...

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Pathology for Pets Explained 

Pathology for Pets Explained 

In this blog, Dr Elle Burton-Bradley demystifies clinical pathology, breaking it down into blood, urine and faecal testing and explains the use of cytology and laboratory procedures.

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Certification for Waste Management Module

Certification for Waste Management Module

By Alex Zarzycki, Veterinary Nurse and VfCA Champion, The Village Vet Introduction The Village Vet is following a program designed by Vets for Climate Change. Each module assesses an area of veterinary practice. Once assessed, changes are identified and to ensure each...

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