Humphrey’s Case Study 

Aug 30, 2024

Digit Bone Infection

Humphreys Symptoms

Humphrey is a longstanding client of the Village Vet who comes in regularly to visit Dr Martine. Humphrey was recently troubled at home by his right dew claw. It was inflamed and causing significant discomfort. Dew claws are essentially the thumbs and big toes of the dog world. Humphrey has 6 dew claws with double hind dew claws. Some dew claws are non-functional and prone to trauma as they are loose and flop around. This type of dew claw is easily removed to prevent future trauma. Humphreys dew claw however was functional meaning that to remove it amputation of the digit was required.

This was Humphrey’s inflamed Dew Claw before surgery

Treatment and Result

To start we did some radiographs (X Ray’s) on Humphreys dew claw which revealed some bony changes on the digit. A digit is the equivalent of the bone structure in our fingers.  This was quite concerning. The causes of such changes can be due to infection aswell as nasty bone cancers. After the X Ray it was clear that the digit needed to be removed and sent off for analysis. 

Dr Anabel removed the digit which has healed up well. Dr Martine gave Humphreys’s owners the good news that the digit was infected bone but was not cancerous. Humphreys’s amputation of the dew claw was curative and Humphrey is now all fixed and is back happily enjoying life. 

Well done, Humphrey! See you next time.

Post surgery photo

Note from Dr Martine Perkins

Early detection is crucial in cases like this. If the bone infection had spread further up the digit and into the leg, it would have become a far more serious issue, requiring extensive treatment and follow up. Similarly, if it had been cancerous, catching it while it was still confined to the digit would have greatly increased the likelihood of a full recovery for Humphrey. Early intervention can make all the difference in ensuring the best possible outcome.

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